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Agaram Tamil Teacher is the new exciting educational app designed to teach the beautiful Tamil language to your children. The app is highly interactive and contains 7 learning activities and 10 educational games all featuring stunning graphics, soothing music and beautiful voice prompts in Tamil to keep your children interested and entertained while they learn our treasured mother tongue Tamil. Although the app is intended for children who are starting to learn Tamil, it can in fact be used by anyone wanting to learn Tamil.

Carefully crafted by a team of educators who take learning and Tamil Language to heart, the app features 7 highly interactive learning activities teaching the following topics to your child:
- Tamil vowel letters
- Tamil consonant letters
- Tamil compound letters
- Shapes
- Colors
- Numbers
- Vocabulary

The app also features 10 educational interactive games to make your child’s Tamil learning experience rewarding and fun. The difficulty level of the games can be configured to suit your child’s age and needs. The games cover the following areas:
- Tamil vowel letters
- Tamil consonant letters
- Tamil compound letters
- Shapes and Colors
- Numbers
- Counting
- Vocabulary
- Telling Time
- Addition
- Subtraction.

The beautiful Tamil literature is filled with great works full of high ideals. Everyone who come across the great literary works in Tamil is enticed to learn more and to vie for greatness. Entrance into this great world starts with the learning of “agaram” - the first letter in Tamil alphabets.
Thus our app is also named after the beautiful letter “agaram”, because it is our hope that by starting their Tamil lessons with our software your children can make their first step into the wonderful world of Tamil literature.

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